Monday, December 26, 2011

Business Success Stories

Business Success Stories
last week I had the opportunity to visit a ceramic factory or full Arowana Arowana Citramulia Tbk PT Cikande area, Serang, Banten. This is the second plant at their disposal. The first factory in Tangerang, while the last plant in Gresik, East Java. Arowana built the first factory in 1995 with a production capacity of only about 2.88 million square meters per year, a second factory was built in 1997 with a capacity Cikande 4.5 million square meters per year. Capacity did not change until 2002, after the national economy experienced stability and even growth.
Time of our visit there, all three plants capable of producing ceramic Arowana as many as 38 million square meters annually from the 16 line that they have. This amount will soon increase with the expansion that has been prepared to do if the machine starts to be installed in late 2010. In Cikande, what's interesting is the construction of factories that use an open concept. In fact, in the factory there is also a park. Beyond that, clearly visible from the factory area, ponds and parks where animals such as goats, chickens, pigeons and other birds roam free.
From the figures it appears that the exposure was able to double its production Arowana in a relatively short period of time. In just 15 years, from 1995 to 2010, factory production capacity rose more than 13 times and still will continue to grow again. Strike at its plant in the manufacturing facility has begun to wake up to the installation of two-line engines were expected to come and be installed later this year. With the completion of additional capacity, the Arowana will begin to climb the world's top 20 ceramic companies, exactly the number L6, having previously occupied the 25th place in 2009. Imagine, in just a period of 15 years, the Arowana can become major global players.
In Indonesia, Arowana currently occupies the second position after the Noble Ceramics, part of the Honor Industrindo. Mulia Ceramics predictable production capacity of about 130,000 square meters per day, while the Arowana has a production capacity of 110,000 square meters. Nevertheless, from a variety of Arowana terms began to show prowess. The company produces the largest single brand.
All the production is using the brand Arowana. Similarly, market capitalization on the Stock Exchange of Indonesians and business profitability, appears to be the largest Arowana than its competitor. This means the company's competitors must be on guard to see the development of the company.
Somewhat different from other ceramic companies are most focused on middle to upper market with premium ceramics in various forms of granite tiles and so on, Arowana instead focus on lower middle market. However, their products are certified Standard National Indonesia (SNI) showed that although their products are intended for that market, they guarantee the quality of ceramic products Arowana as promised. This commitment is not playing because they carry out the basic philosophy that they believe, that for us little people should not play with a quality kualitas.Produk (KW1) and two are distinguished by the color of cardboard. The retailer who play these qualities, for example by exchanging goods, will be dealt with firmly. All of this is driven by the owner to keep the religious attitude of protecting the little guy.
Visited the factory in Cikande, we really can be convinced that what is said by its founder that it is indeed reflected in the field. The factory uses the machines in the world's number one. They always build the plant on a turnkey basis by SACMI Italy. It shows their commitment to product quality.
Interestingly, even their first factory in Cikande IIA or known by the factory, who was 13 years old today still awake condition and even cleanliness. Their machines, including the refinery furnace wall continues to be cleaned three times a day so the plant is maintained clean. That is why if we stare up at the factory IIA, it still looks clean roof and blue paint even still looked relatively intact.
Hard work shown by all staff as well as innovations that they do eventually make their factory machines capable of working beyond capacity. For example, ceramic printing machine in Italy itself is only capable of producing 90 copies per minute, the company is able to produce 110 pieces per minute. That is why, as a whole acquired a very high productivity. The increase in productivity since 2003 to date has reached 117%. Imagine, it even has a factory with a capacity more than double than it should.
As a result of a very high productivity, Arowana able to produce the lowest cost of production. They even dare to proudly say they are the lowest production costs in Asia, even lower than production costs in China. In Asia there are no production costs lower than $ 2 per square meter. DiArwana, at that price, they even turn a profit. Today they are the most expensive products are priced Rp24.000 per square meter which consists of 11 pieces (each dusnya).
All of that in the end it reflects the principle of which is owned by the founder and owner, Tandean Rustandy, MBA. Men born in Pontianak is a relatively young spend most of his time in the United States to complete their studies at the University of Colorado and University of Chicago. Life experience that once a person makes it difficult to have a steely determination to take the welfare of the child. In addition to making the production of good quality but cheap, Tandean Rustandy too much to help build schools and working with the television station RCTI always help build houses for people who are very poor in the event House Surgery. This part of social responsibility (CSR) company.
Indonesia should take pride in this business. With hard work and strong principles, employers are able to become a model in a live competition, including with China. Hopefully many other dreams also can be accomplished.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Business Success Story (Inspiration)

Business Success Story (Inspiration)
Inspiration is a strong drive to succeed. For that, we will share the inspiration in this and the next episode in the Doing Business In Singapore. I am Aji Rokhadi.
Merry Riana success achieved success at a young age in Singapore, which has been achieved because of the vision he had. He wants to be successful before the age of 30 years. The main capital, is courage. We consider the dialogue between Setyadi Ongkowidjaja, chairman of Indonesian Business Centre in Singapore with Merry Riana, who now runs the Merry Riana Organization (MRO) Consultancy Pte Ltd.
You're a graduate electrical engineer from the NTU. And you say that now you have to replace the bow, and apparently included in the sales. May be given an input, or what challenges you live now? Why not practice as an engineer but instead get into sales?

MR: Why change course? Actually, at first, maybe my story about my background for a while, to know. At that time I came to Singapore about 8 years ago. Actually it is not something that was already planned. At that time there are many riots and financial crisis, so I came in 1998. I'm here to study at NTU and the fact I choose Electrical & Electronics Engineering, following my father. My father was an electrical engineer. And so, I went along. Back in Jakarta normally, just grab the first technique, after that going to work anywhere. Why I moved off to the sales? A few months before I graduated, I think. Actually after graduating, I work, why work? I want to be successful before 30. Now that I've entered the age of 26. So my goal to be successful before the age of 30. And if my normal engineering work as usual, working 9-to-5, I will not be able to achieve success before the age of 30.

Because you only get paid about S $ 2000 per month huh?

MR: Not only that. It all depends on others, such as promotions and salary increases, depending on the boss, depending on feedback from other employees. So I want to set up my own business, so it all depends on me 100%.

Then you get into sales in order to contact?

MR: Actually, ideally, I want to make my own business. But I was young, no capital, contacts and expertise. Finally I decided I wanted to get sales. Because first I could improve my English, and can be a lot of contacts. If it all depends on my sales. In terms of income, I can reward / revenue appropriately. So I entered the sales.

How many years in sales?

MR: Now coming to 4 years.

And you say could be at least how much income?

MR: The first year of work I could be around S $ 200,000 a year.

Multiplied by Rp 6000 when converted into yen yes. Then if you want to succeed in sales, what is hers? Can get a S $ 200,000 a year it is quite great.

MR: Actually from the quasi-most important thing is courage. Because most people that I see it's got a great ambition, they have a plan, but do not have the courage to run plannya. Especially for someone who just graduated. I actually planted it to yourself, I am nothing to lose. First of courage. Second, a lot of practice.
So if I may rangkumkan, as an engineer, you have a vision for the business itself, and one way, is the need to have contact and capital. And sales is one way that you think is right for you. So maybe the next episode will tell you as ktia chairlady of MRO Consultancy Pte Ltd, a business that you start to manage it now and you will be working 100%. Thank you.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

HOW SUCCESS fish in the sea

HOW SUCCESS fish in the sea

Widely fishing is an activity that can catch fish is a job, hobbies, outdoor sports (outdoor) or activity on the edge or in the middle of lakes, seas, rivers and other waters with a target of a fish. Or it could be the activity of water to catch fish or animals without tools or by using a tool by one or more anglers. One of the most popular fishing among anglers were fishing at sea.

Sea fishing is an activity, sport, hobby or a way of catching fish at sea and conducted from the beach to the sea with the help of fishermen. In addition the current state of fish in the sea can be done during the day (from morning to evening) and also at night. But all fishing activities at sea sometimes is always also depends on weather conditions in the vicinity. Not every fish in the sea fishing is always successful. When fishing at sea, the weather or natural factors are very influential on the catch. Factor usually depends on a variety of weather factors. One factor that greatly affects fishing at sea are:

Weather factors above sea level
· Sun and Moon

Whether or not the blazing sun during the day sometimes affect fish activity. Good fishing is just before the morning or dawn, which is biologically the new fish out of bed and find food. Continued until the afternoon heat of the sun continues to shine without the cloudy and dark. While at night affect the presence or absence of the moon. At night fishing is good when there is no moon or in other words when there is no light.

Because sea water contains salt so if there is the moon at night will cause the rod string is in the sea water would look like light, it is caused due to a light or light from the surface. But for fishing squid or shrimp more often done at night when no moon is actually the best time, because these animals are very attracted to the light which causes them to clump together in the sea when there is the moon. That's why fishing at night using lights or petromak to look for small fish, shrimp and squid.

· Wind, Waves and Clouds

Wind speed also affect fish activity, because of the absence of the waves is a result of wind. From the wind will lead to the waves and can also affect the presence or absence of clouds. If fishing in the bay is steep when the big wave fish will usually be smaller bays that lead to the big fish also come into the bay to search for prey.

Wind flow is also dependent on the weather and season. If overcast and the sun is blocked or dim, marine fish will usually swim well and are more into water or into the seabed. While the rain or the rainy season, fish tend to be less because the salinity of sea water or salt content in sea water is reduced due to the amount of fresh water is wasted to the sea surface is also coupled by the mouth of the river where the flow of fresh water discharged into the sea and cause fish to to sea, the seabed or hide authorship. Whereas if rainfall occurs in the middle of the sea and only a minute especially when the new rains let up sometimes the fish will grow hungry and aggressive.

Weather factor in sea water

Seawater temperature

Sea water temperature is very influential on the fish, if it would be too hot to fish in the sea or into the sea to seek the cooler temperatures, but at a somewhat higher temperature the fish will be more aggressive in looking for food. Whereas if the temperature is too cold sea water, the fish will be less in appetite and less aggressive. Tropical ocean temperatures range between 26-35 degrees Celsius while in the polar regions could be close to zero degrees centigrade.

Flow of sea water

Water flow is influenced by the circumstances surrounding sea. Many occasions when the situation is weak wind, water currents can be strong winds or when the water currents in the ocean it is weak. So the water flow is not affected by the wind.

If the flow of sea water can be seen on the fishing firm basis by the tilt rod string when the lead weight and bait fishing hooks have touched the seabed. Sometimes the hook can be moved very far away or can not even touch the bottom of the sea. Things like this can be overcome by giving larger weights. Such as air, sea water moves from the cold temperature leading to warmer temperatures. At the second meeting of the flow is usually a lot of fish congregate.

Sea water clarity

Factors clarity or turbidity of sea water is also noteworthy. Sometimes the water turbidity is bad or the number of waste can lead to reduced fish. A better time on the circumstances surrounding sea is clear and bright blue and the sun beating down. Sometimes differences in ocean color can be caused by the dim sunlight or blocked by clouds, it can cause the sea water appear cloudy.

Such techniques and how to fish at sea may help lovers like fishing good luck and success.

10 Steps to Success With Management

10 Steps to Success With Management

Management usually incorporates some of the skills, approaches, and better understanding of the professional artists, vendors, inventors, dreamers, spokesperson, entrepreneur, planner, counselor, preacher, warrior, diplomat, operator, negotiator, leader, and philosopher. The manager is the boss, colleagues, peers, subordinates, teachers, students, mentors, role models, and students.

Here Steps to Success With 10 Manajemenyang relating to individuals and companies as well as relationships with other individuals.

1. Income (profit) and return on capital (return on investment) Both short and long term management is the god who delivered you from the arid land of mediocrity, bankruptcy and dissolution, to get out of the failure.

2. Remember the high pillars in superior management need careful planning, consideration and sound decision-making, implementation and monitoring of decisions and the careful operation and creative, and caring for employees and the results, which are based on management skills and management style class . These skills include planning, organization, staff development, decision making, budgeting, innovation, communication, representation, control, direction and motivation, relationships personal.Menjadi exemplary figure. For an example, you should not swear falsely, be loyal, and
Do not cheat to your colleagues, especially to a company or profession. Respect your superiors and colleagues.

3. Honor them, whether it's your mentor, your boss, your peers, subordinates
You and your colleagues kolegas. So you will be more durable in
company, rank, and executive positions. You will be respected
as individuals who are loyal.

4. Should not envy you should not be jealous of the position, salary, companies, offices, staff,
or the resources or colleagues of your competitors. But learn from them and
of the state so that you can go ahead and win in the struggle to rise

5. Do not submit false witness Never filed a false witness against them inside or outside the company. You also should not be libelous, defamatory,
intregitas twist facts personally, professionally. Organizational must also be upheld.

6. Should not steal, bribe, or bribed That is, you may not receive many gifts given in anticipation of help now or in the future, expenditure should not falsify records, results or conceal facts or figures and test security or performance tests. Once you do that, that was the end history

7. Do not kill a new idea if you kill a new idea, then you also kill an innovative or unusual approach, leaving the killing action questioning the status quo or the status quo, but it should encourage the attitude of questioning, being creative, risk-taking attitude, and sikapinovatif.

8. Humanity should not leave feeling you are also required sensitive and caring towards other people, organizations, communities and nations. Whatever your level of success in the organization, you should be able to see yourself in the mirror in your relationship with the role
as the main man.

9. Do not stop fighting until whenever you do not ever stop fighting. It is useful to achieve the perfection of yourself, your colleagues and your organization in various aspects of art and science of management.

10. The command above can be interpreted and applied in a narrow or wide depending on the situation, organizations, and individuals involved. These commands provide guidance and signposts in the face of the complexities and challenges, opportunities, and satisfaction are contained in today's modern management. Well if you want to succeed, there's nothing wrong obey the 10 commandments on top management.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Successful Job Interview

Facing Successful Job Interview

Below are given the article a success in a job interview tips & tricks related to job interviews (we edit this article to a relatively easily understood). May 5 of this article can help you.

Suggestions Facing Interview

For those of you who are called to a job interview, you should pay attention to some of the suggestions below.

    Make sure you already know where the interview. Suggested a few days before the interview, you already know the place, even to see the place.
    If you are not told in advance what kind of clothes to wear, then use a formal dress, clean and tidy.
    Read the back cover letter, your CV and interview call letter. Do not forget to bring or mail the documents and stationery during the interview.
    Prepare yourself to answer the various questions that might ask an interviewer. We recommend that you practice with colleagues to anticipate all possible questions to be asked the interviewer, so that any questions raised can be answered satisfactorily.
    You can use the "register / sample general questions" (please click) on this site for your practice with his answer.
    Before leaving for the interview, first pray according to your beliefs.
    Try to arrive ten minutes early, if forced to be late because there is an interruption in the journey immediately notify the company (the interviewer). But try not too late, since many companies immediately assume you failed when too late.
    Security guards or receptionists who greet you with a friendly encounter.
    If you must fill out a form, fill out completely and neatly.
    Say greetings (good morning / afternoon / evening) to the interviewer and if you have to shake-hands, jabatlah tightly (not too hard but not weak).
    Remain standing until you are welcome to sit down. Sitting with an upright and balanced position.
    Prepare a cover letter, your CV and interview call letter.
    Remember the good name of the interviewer.
    Make eye contact with the interviewer.
    Stay focused on the questions asked the interviewer.
    Show enthusiasm and interest in the proposed position and the company.
    Use formal language, not jargon or slang; unless you are interviewed to be able to use the language.
    Show the positive things you will ever achieve.
    Show the energy and confidence is high, but not cocky or arrogant impression. Many have failed simply because of impressive cocky, arrogant, or knowingly.
    Show me what you can do to a company rather than what can be provided by the company to you.
    Describe as much detail as possible the things asked by the interviewer.
    Ask a few questions around the quality of your work and business in general.
    Speaking with a voice loud enough so clearly heard by the interviewer.
    End the interview by asking what you should do next.
    Say many thanks to the interviewer for their time and opportunity given to you.


Preparing for Interviews

The interview is part of the recruitment process has a variety of purposes. Some are intended to better know the applicant possessed the technical skills, know the personality of the applicant, or determine the ability of applicants to handle a variety of things.

Interviews are usually done to complete the written test results. Things that are not obtainable from the written test will be explored through the interview process. In this case, you are required to try to control yourself (especially your strengths and weaknesses). Also tried to control the line of work you are applying.

Some may be looking for information and Practice

If you have reached the interview stage, actual quality, you have met the requirements to be accepted at the company. But you can fail simply due to lack of knowledge about the companies where you apply. For that, you should also try to find out, by finding as much information about the habits of the company. Nothing wrong with asking the receptionist, security guard, or even to find a parking habits in place.

Any interviewer does not like people who are too closed. Try to give very clear information about what is being asked by the interviewer. Do not smoke, you should actively try to give information. Do you hide something impressive, but you also do not be too much and deliver the things that are not relevant. Stay calm and tell the truth. Ushakan your answer always indicates a strong character, resilient, and vibrant as any company has always liked the way.

We recommend that you practice with colleagues to anticipate all possible questions to be asked the interviewer, so that any questions raised can be answered satisfactorily. You can use the "register / sample general questions" (please click) on this site for your practice with his answer.

Effect of Eye Contact and Voice in Interview

In the interview, factors beyond the "content" can often affect the success of an interview. From appearance, to how to talk.

An experienced interviewer will feel some of the characters being interviewed from his eyes. No need to stare, or the serene sunshine, but the gaze is reasonable to the interviewer.

The point is, that through your eyes during the interview must indicate:
1. Are you confident enough.
2. Do you think positive about communication in the interview process;
3. Are you honest with your communication content;
4. Do you perform "honest" in accordance with your real personality, not artificial.

Intonation will show whether you are a confident person or not. No need to adjust the way it sounds like a sitcom actress, but it is enough that you can use a tone that interest the other person to continue to communicate.

Try not to give an aggressive tone, or a "cover" themselves. Use a tone that represents the contents of your message. Volume, color, and rhythm had to be regulated, but rather should be the one who appears not as himself.

Sources:, Kompas Cyber ​​Media

Asking Sopankah interview results?

A job interview is the most fun for job seekers. Because the call is the first step to pursue the coveted job. No wonder the test interview or interview test raises a lot of hope in the self-seekers. Shadow get a good job, enough salary and friends seemed to have fun working on the eyelid. But often there remained hope of hopes, the next call waiting and it was only a dream. Phone ringing or a subsequent summons, never arrived. You were so curious and filled with a variety of questions, whether there will be another call or does the interview you will not be processed. Not infrequently the hope that had flared up suddenly went out.

Indeed, in some companies require a little time and some even take up to one month to test the continuation of the interview process. Well, if you encounter such a situation, so as not curious, you can ask certainty to the company by telephone. You can ask after a period of two weeks from the time of interview. Ask your human resources department or division directly at the person who interviewed you. Do not feel hesitant and afraid to ask this, because it is right to ask you. Moreover, the certainty of the news and ask the continuing process your application within two weeks or more after the interview is the ethical thing and quite polite. The company must understand your question. For that after the interview, you'll want to ask who and contact phone number to ask about the results of your interview.

If the company replied that the test results are stored in the database and any time you need to be called again, it means that the real answer to your application was not processed further. Such an answer is usually a subtle rejection at least for the moment. It may be that, at some point if there is a suitable qualification, you will be called again. But with such an answer you do not then continue forward without trying again. Make as many other applications.

Conversely if the answers give companies certainty, for example, "you are indeed qualified us and with your question, we at once call you on ...", then most likely you will be accepted. Maybe then the company has not had time to contact you further due to other interests.

Life is full of possibilities. For that you do not stop trying to get the best possible. So chances are it will be transformed into a 'certainty' is encouraging.

Success in College

Some terms are called Success in college:
1. Graduate on time (maximum 4.5 years)

  2. Can predicate cum laude or her GPA above 3.

  3. Directly to work,

  4. Many friends.

  5. Well known in his neighborhood.

  6. Communicative and creative.

Of aja because we learn that the real goal so let's useful for others. Graduating scholars are not any good but do not have any friends, ga dtrima environment.

Lectures had three important objectives, namely to upgrade knowledge in accordance with our areas of expertise (seek knowledge required), to create the mindset and create a kind of social responsibility. When a person is a science, intelligent (honed mindset) and close to its environment (having social responsibility) inshaAllah thing as easy to get the job. Even the work that we seek.

To achieve that, there are a few tips as follows:

     Intention to what college, not for play play. Attention to the lecturer explained, will not have to record, because listening to a concentration of 70% was absorbed by the brain.
     Make learning as fun.
     Looking for a good friend plus smart, so we are always motivated.
     Actively organize, learn to socialize with others.
     Active in community social activities.
     Good time management.
     Worship strengthens us.


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Steps to success

1. You must have a Dream

2. Think about what you've dreamed of

3. Want what you Think

4. Decide what you Want

5. Plan what you Decide

6. Do what you have Plan

7. Believe what you do

8. Fight for what you Believe

9. What you have been a success Fight

10. Enjoy what you have been a success

11. Realize what you Enjoy